“That’s So Good! You Should Sell That!”

There are few things said to a cook or chef more complimentary than, “You should open a restaurant!” or “You should sell that!”

Yet, the vast majority of cooks or chefs that take those words seriously, and attempt to market their products, find the process so daunting that they give up before they get started. Understandably.

The easy part is creating the product. The hard part is bringing it to market. Business licenses, health permits, manufacturing facilities, organic or non-GMO certifications, inspections, barcoding, nutritional labeling, label design, require an understanding and expertise beyond most cooks. In addition, dealing with the bureaucracy requires incredible patience.

Conscious Comfort Cuisine is here to partner with cooks and chefs aspiring to bring their dreams and recipes to market. We can evaluate the product, develop and execute the marketing plan from conception through sales.